The future of education: Exploring the impact of chatGpt on student learning
Advantages and Disadvantages of ChatGPT
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Advantages and Disadvantages of ChatGPT
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The education system has completely changed over the last few decades. In order to provide high-quality and sustainable education to all students, it has now become essential to add Artificial Intelligence into the picture along with teacher guidance and involvement. Recently, ChatGpt has been implemented to shape and transform the education system. This innovative amalgamation of traditional teaching methodology and AI tools will be interesting to witness the learning transformation. If you are not well informed about the Advantages of ChatGpt, its demerits, and its major role, then you can gather all the details from the below-mentioned section.
What is ChatGpt?
There can be many readers who have never heard the term ChatGpt; if they have ever come across the terminology, they might not be clear about the concept of the function. If you are also one such person who is not well informed about it, then you must note that ChatGpt is a chatbot technology that is created using an Artificial Intelligence application. Chat GPT is an abbreviated form of Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. Whenever any human asks a question, an answer is generated within a few minutes. It was developed by an Open AI company and has gained huge popularity since its launch.
What is the role of ChatGpt?
Now that you have already gained information about the meaning of ChatGpt, you must also go through the roles played by this important tool:
It is important for students who require immediate information or answers to their queries in the absence of teachers.
Since this option is available 24/7, students do not have to wait to get their doubts cleared.
It assists students who are not happy or satisfied with classroom learning and require additional knowledge.
It acts as a virtual tutor who clarifies doubts and provides a personalized learning experience.
Some students hesitate to get their doubts clarified in the classroom; for them, it is the best way to get their queries resolved.
What are the advantages of ChatGpt?
There are many who are confused about the advantages of chatbots. If you are also not well aware of all the associated advantages of this, then you can get a rough idea from the following points:
Since this is an answering tool, It helps students to get away with their confusion instantly, unlike the conventional mode of researching, which is time-consuming and sometimes confusing.
It provides real-time assistance: No matter which subject you are facing a problem with, you post your question, and you will obtain a full explanation immediately. This enables students to manage their time well and study more.
It also provides feedback on students' performance that overall improves one's academic performance.
Real savior during exams time: This technology can be a real boon for students during exams time, as they can practice a number of questions and test series, which improves both their knowledge and confidence and prepares them to secure good marks.
What are the disadvantages of ChatGpt:
No matter how good ChatGpt is, there are still many disadvantages linked with it. Now you must be definitely wondering what the disadvantages of ChatGpt, for that you must go through the below-mentioned points:
Chat GPT serves all the data and information on a plate to the students, which limits their research skills.
It sometimes cuts off the connection between a teacher and a student, as they are now more inclined towards technology to get their issues resolved, and they neglect issues resolved under the guidance of their respective teachers.
It hinders the creativity of students, as they are more dependent on this platform, and they lack the patience to get answers to their questions.
Students now do not want to brainstorm to gather information; instead, they are dependent on technology to get answers.
Sometimes, it provides information that is not completely accurate and unethical. Also, data generated via this platform is not plagiarism-free.
How to use ChatGpt?
To use ChatGpt, you can follow the points given below:
Visit the OpenAi website.
Signup for free
Write your query in the message space.
To seek a response, hit the enter-key.
Finally, you will have a response to your problem.
Readers and users must always be aware of all the impacts and consequences of using any technology. By going through the information provided in the above-section, you must have already made up your mind about whether you wish to use ChatGpt or not. It completely depends upon your purpose of using that whether you will benefit or be detrimental to its usage.
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